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Animal Postcard

Animal Postcard


12幅動物繪畫作品已印製了聲音Postcard,收錄了作品的故事,每一幅印有一個QR code,以聲音(廣東話)及繪畫分享給更多人知道,藝術家繪畫的內心世界及這些動物在地球上受到的影響,希望得到更多人去關注。



Charity Sale
12 animal paintings have already been made into audio postcards. Capturing the stories of the paintings. Each card has a QR code via audio (in Cantonese) and painting sharing to make more people aware of the artist's inner world as well as how those animals are impacted Hope to get more attention from people.  

*Postcard proceeds will be donated to cats, dogs and animals associated organizations after deducting shipping and production costs *
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